"an alternately titillating and melancholy look
at gay online sex chat forums"
— Malcolm Fraser, Montreal Mirror

In Lost, the artists reinvents himself in various photography styles to mimic the aesthetics of gay chat sites and also to mock the narcissism that exists within gay culture. By using his own image, he also admits to taking part in those aspects of gay culture that he criticizes.

a video by Owen Eric Wood

running time: 5 min 30 sec
year: 2007
country: Canada

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Text from actual online conversations is used to construct a dialogue that mimics and criticizes gay Internet chat sites. As the seemingly-endless series of self portraits mocks narcissism, the increasingly-sexual dialogue satirically criticizes the way gay men interact online. Does the anonymity of the Internet allow for freedom of expression of our innermost desires? Or does this interaction cause people to become something they are not, at times when they feel lost?

technical information

original format: miniDV
genre: experimental/video art
subject: gay Internet chat sites
language: English
video: colour
aspect ratio: 4:3
sound: stereo
system: NTSC

previous screenings

2008   Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival
           Kassel, Germany

           Mix Brazil Cinema and Video Festival of Sexual Diversity
           Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Belo Horizonte, Brazil

           Backup Festival
           Weimar, Germany

           Queer City Cinema 7
           Regina, Canada

           Montreal Underground Film Festival
           Montreal, Canada

           Les Projections de Courts Metrages
           Le Saint Sulpice, Montreal, Canada

           Soiree Videographe
           Videographe Production, Montreal, Canada


camera and editing by: Owen Eric Wood
photography by: Vincent Chine and Owen Eric Wood
script: composed by Owen Eric Wood from actual online conversations
distributed by: Videographe
