What are we when stripped of our bodies and social identities? Where are we when dislodged from this physical world? Is the essence of who we are hidden below the surface, in qualities that are not so easily defined?
The ephemeral qualities of time-based art forms, like video and performance, symbolize the fragility of human mortality. I use repeated actions and a unique process of re-projection to create video self-portraits that are ever changing or in flux rather than solid or stable. My image comes and goes, fading in and out of itself. I am a character set in an undefined location where narrative shifts from concrete storylines to ethereal possibilities.
By projecting video onto three-dimensional surfaces of the same content and composition, I create a hologram-like effect that disrupts the viewer’s ability to distinguish digital images from actual form. The temporal and spatial collisions that occur represent the often-contradictory relationship between our physical existence and our mental perception.
Owen Eric Wood (b. Toronto, Canada) has established a signature style through his video portraits. Challenging concepts of identity whereby individuals must constantly reinvent or appropriate their own image, the artist presents contemporary social issues in the context of personal narratives and existential themes. His videos, installations and performances have showcased at more than 100 galleries and festivals in 30 countries. He has won a number of awards, including the Vision Art Prize at the Visionaria International Video Festival (Italy), Best Video at the Avanca Film Festival (Portugal), Third Prize at the International Festival of Video Art (Argentina), and honorable mentions at Videoformes (France) and the Japan Media Arts Festival. He holds a B.F.A. from Concordia University and an M.F.A. from the University of Windsor. Nine of his videos are distributed by Videographe.
Waiting (2013), To Avoid Fading (2013), This Man (2012), Assemble I and II (2012), Return (2011), Parallel (2009), Holobomo (2009), Made Up (2008), The Clothes Make the Man (2008), Lost (2007), Quality Time with the Family (2007), Momentum: a video series in four movements (2007), Self Portrait (2004)
Dream of Sleeping
Sit Still
To Avoid Fading
Every Day
Quality Time with the Family
Learn to Smile, Learn to Laugh,
Learn to Be Happy
Chicken Pox Scar
Self Portrait
The Clothes Make the Man
Eric and Eric
Portrait of the Artist with his Family
Made Up
Subway Riders Don't Look Up